Share Tables at School Sites pg 2

Share Tables at School Sites pg 2

This is a document from Kern County Public Health Department - Director Matthew Constantine about Share Tables! In September 2017, the California Legislature approved SB 557, authorizing Local Educational Agencies to minimize waste and reduce food insecurities. One of the options available was though the use of a share table. What is a share table? Share table is a table or designated space where students can return unwanted pre- packaged, non- perishable foods and make them available for other students who might be food insecure and require additional food to eat. Some food that are allowed on the share table are all prepackaged, non- potentially hazardous food products with intact packaging, unopened bags of slices fruit, and fruits that do NOT require washing.

Office Info

11850 Hwy 99, Pixley, CA 93256
P: 559-757-1045
F: 559-757-5002
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm
Closed daily for lunch: 12:00- 1:00
