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School Education

Tule Trash is committed to the successful implementation of recycling programs within school districts that we service. American Refuse has developed “That’s How I Roll” an education campaign designed to educate elementary aged school children in the importance of recycling and composting.

The multi-faceted campaign includes video, recycling activities, activity book, and multiple giveaways for an interactive classroom experience. The video demonstrates what can be recycled, the phases of collection, processing the material at Carousel Material Recovery Center, bailing, packing of bales, and delivery of recyclables to ports/remanufacturing.

The handbook includes fun activities for children which promote education on recycling and organics.

Tule Trash is particularly excited to teach the next generation the importance of recycling and composting activities.

Office Info

11850 Hwy 99, Pixley, CA 93256
P: 559-757-1045
F: 559-757-5002
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm
Closed daily for lunch: 12:00- 1:00
